September 2023 on a windy weekend in Bedfordshire, Rob and his remarkable young lad Owen discovered the Microaces Stand at ModelAir's long running, late summer event on the hallowed grounds of the Old Warden Airfield.
Owen's passion for aviation was immediately apparent when he went around the tables and identified almost every scale Microaces model on display. And his appreciation at such an early age also made him accutely aware of how careful he had to be when handling them. I've never yet even seen a child twice (or even three times) his age, be able to pick up and play with a Microaces kit without causing some sort of cosmetic 'disturbance'. But Owen has the knack!Rob & Owen left that day with a Scrappee Patriot II and the excitement and anticipation of a new project they could do together and a new hobby to get to grips with.
Fast forward seven months, to this weekend just gone; the first of the ModelAir 2024 Old Warden calender events, and who should turn up but Rob & Owen with big grins on their faces, a box with a securely packed, exquisitely built Scrappee (yes, Owen helped with the build) and tales of their adventures.

Rob has put a number of sorties on the Scrappee now, quickly getting to grips with radio controlled flight and Owen has even taken to the controls, looping the Scrappee four times!
And at four years old, he has to be the youngest Microaces pilot yet?!
They also left with a new project - a Microaces Fokker D.VII. Rob aims for both of them to fly together once it's built and he and Owen have had a bit more flight experience. What a team!