NEW 'HYPER' Micro Coreless Motor
The NEW Hyper Micro Brushed Motor can be used to replace the Microaces standard and long motor/gearboxes to provide oodles more power.
Make sure your batteries are in good condition, because this BEAST will pull or push, (if you're so inclined).
The HYPER motor is also available in Clock Wise (Red/Blue Wire) and Counter Clock Wise (Black/White Wire) configuration.
Specification (CW & CCW):
- Weight: 5.8 g
- Operational Voltage: 1.5 - 4.2v
- Speed (Unloaded): 68 000 rpm @ 4.2v
- Static Thrust: ~ 60g (GWS4530) 300mAh 25C Lipo
- 9 tooth Pinion Gear
- Connector: Round 2 Pin 1.27pitch
- Cable Length: 150mm